Friday, 9 December 2011

Xbox Live Gets an iOS App With a Sprinkle of Metro

iOS users get their own Xbox Live application.
It's been quite a week for Xbox already, with the launch of the hotly anticipated update to the Xbox Dashboard having just been released. However, Microsoft isn't resting on its laurels -- the company also released a companion app for Windows Phone 7 users and, yesterday, an official iOS Xbox Live application for Apple users.
Its arrival comes almost immediately after the Windows Phone 7 companion app, but the application for iPad, iPod and iPhone users is no where near as packed with features. Users of the Windows Phone 7 app can read up on whatever movie, TV show, music or game that is playing on their console; navigate through their console; play, pause, fast forward, or rewind content; initiate purchases; retrieve friend activity, achievements and related items; and launch a movie, TV show, game or app on the connected console simply by selecting a search result. Unfortunately, iOS users aren't nearly as spoiled for features. Microsoft's Major Nelson says the free app will allow you to read and send messages to friends, manage your friends list, invite new friends, read and edit your full Live profile, change your avatar features, and view and compare your achievements with friends. Not quite as cool, but better than nothing.

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