Saturday 7 April 2012

YouTube kicks 3D into high gear, does 2D to 3D

The 3D phenomenon is here and while not everyone’s ready for it, Google thinks it’s time to go 3D. Google has now taken a major step by automatically converting all 1080p content into 3D. While 3D content is to be shot using a special camera with two separate lenses, there are other techniques to get similar effects and that’s what YouTube is doing with all 1080p files. Dev Mukherjee and Chen Wu from YouTube have put up a blog post that details how the service goes about converting the videos. YouTube has had the 3D conversion feature since last year, but it was only available as a beta. Now however, the conversion will be put into effect for all 1080p videos uploaded to the site.

Users who wish to see videos in 3D can use the 3D option on the YouTube interface next to the Quaity button. Of course, you’ll need to use 3D glasses to be able to view the content properly. The service does a few checks on the video to look for colours, layout and motion, which all together help create an end result video, that can be perceived as 3D. Existing 3D videos are also studied to try and make the 2D to 3D video conversion as realistic as possible. This same process is repeated across all of the high quality videos on YouTube. The end results are reasonably good quality 3D videos.

The major issue with 3D adoption apart from some of the side effects related to some of the technologies, has been the availability. 3D hardware as such has been difficult to find and the hardware has generally been a bit more expensive. YouTube hopes to fix this by conversion of a large number of videos into 3D. This move should mean that there should be many more 3D videos very easily available to the end user. Users no longer have to find videos and manually convert them on the PC. Most popular 3D TV manufacturers already have features that convert 2D content to 3D on the fly, but such technology hasn’t been made very popular on the PC

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