Saturday, 17 December 2011

One SMS Text Could Cripple Messaging on Windows Phone

Microsoft has said it is working on a fix for an SMS bug that is capable of knocking out messaging on Windows Phone 7.5 devices.
Microsoft has said it is working to fix a denial-of-service attack that disables the messaging functionality on Windows Phones. According to WinRumors, which has tested the bug on several phones, the flaw works by sending an SMS to a Windows Phone user using a device running Windows Phone 7.5, the current version of the mobile OS. The device will then reboot and afterward, the messaging hub will not function.
WinRumors was contacted by a reader who discovered the flaw and the site says it has been disclosed to Microsoft. Speaking to the Verge, Redmond's Greg Sullivan confirmed that Microsoft is aware of the issue and said the engineering team is working on a fix.
"We are aware of the issue and our engineering teams are examining it now. Once we have more details, we will take appropriate action to help ensure customers are protected."
For now, if you find yourself affected by this issue, a hard reset should restore messaging functionality. Other than that, there doesn't appear to be any other way to fix it. Fingers crossed Microsoft can churn out a solution in good time.

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