World’s most of the users have Windows XP installed in their PC as main operating system. From all versions of windows XP have the most trusted and widely used label that is very hard to achieve.
Step -1 :Click Start button on the task bar at the left. Then “Help and Support” page by clicking open the Help and Support Center.
Step -2 :”Pick a Help topic” section “Fixing a Problem” button.
Step -3 :It opens the page “Application and software problems” and click on the link. Down the right side of “Fixing a Problem” section “Getting older programs to run on Windows XP” and click on the link.
Step -4 :Read it carefully and diteila is the “Program Compatibility Wizard”, click on the link.
Step -5 :Click on the Next button and the program location (from a list, in CD drive and select manually) Select the. To “I want to locate the program manually” option and select the Next button.
Step -6 :Now the page is run the program shortcut to the file path or click the Browse button, then click Next.
Step -7 :It is convenient to select the operating system as your program (98 to Windows 98 operating system, created to select the file to open it) and click Next.
Step -8 :Setting the appropriate check box to display a new page, then click the Windows Compatibility Wizards button next to the Finnish.
After all these steps followed to select the setting that will load your program or application. You also can keep this setting permanently.
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